Volunteer for the Casella Golf Championship
2025 Volunteer Information
As a volunteer you will receive:
- A complimentary volunteer golf shirt to wear during (and after!) the tournament
- A free lunch, along with beverages and snacks
- An invitation to the Volunteer Recognition Reception
Important! Although this year’s volunteer positions are similar to prior years, some position titles and descriptions have changed. Please take a moment to review the volunteering positions for this year’s tournament.

Volunteer positions
- Cart Driver: Cart Drivers follow a group of players in a cart for the entire round as an unofficial scorekeeper.
- Real-Time Scoring Operator: The Real-time Scoring Operator either enters scores and statistics into a computer or answers radio calls from Cart Driver volunteers.
- Scoring Tent: Scoring Tent volunteers verify the accuracy of each scorecard in the players presence upon completion of their round. There is a tent near the 9th and 18th greens.
- Leaderboards: Leaderboard volunteers receive scores via a PDA and continually update the Main or On-Course Leaderboards with the information provided by the PDA.
- Track Board Attendent: These volunteers will update the main leaderboard next to the clubhouse. The updates will appear in real-time to the volunteer via an iPad, provided by the Epson Tour.
- Spotter: Spotters act as "forecaddies" or "advance scouts" by assisting the professionals in locating wayward golf shots. Stationed near a fairway or a green, spotters watch each shot and help locate a ball in situations where the player may not have a clear view of the ball’s final resting position. (Volunteers who are assigned spotter positions will be reserves for any other vacant volunteer positions on a given day)
- Standard Bearer (Sunday only): Standard Bearers walk the course and carry a standard-bearer sign which includes the names and scores of the players in a specific group. They confirm each player’s score with the Cart Driver volunteer and update scores on the sign as play progresses for the entire round of 18 holes. Shifts last as long as it takes to complete the round of golf. Standard Bearers work in two-person teams with one person at a time carrying the standard (standards weigh approx. 10-15 pounds). In the event of inclement weather on Sunday, there will be no standard bearers and those volunteers may be reassigned if desired.
- Main Gate: Main Gate volunteers greet spectators, collect tournament admission fees, dispense tickets, manage Will Call and direct vehicles to designated parking locations.
- Volunteer Services: These volunteers work directly with the Volunteer Coordinator to greet and register other volunteers, provide general information, and assist with shuttling volunteers to and from their assigned areas.
- Food Delivery: Pick up lunches and water at volunteer hospitality tent and uses a cart to deliver them to on course volunteers.
- Guest Starter: Stand on opening tee box and provide players with information pertinent to their round and announce their name and hometown before they begin their round.
- Caddie Tent (Friday & Sunday only): Hand out player caddie bibs and hole location sheets at the caddie tent located on the driving range
Please contact Don DeNyse and Matt O'Brien at albanyepsonvols@gmail.com with additional questions.